Getting Inspired

Meg over at Meg Travels has nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! I’m not sure if I inspire her to go and see more places or if I inspire her to get to work on her house! In any case, thank you Meg for sending this award my way. I am very glad that my blog, in either of those cases, inspires you. I hope others are inspired by it, too.

Meg gets to do something I would love to do (I bet you all would too). She gets to travel around the globe and then she gets to write all about it. Who in their right mind wouldn’t want to do that! She just returned from a trip to Italy and is in the process of telling us all about the wonderful things to see and do there. Coincidentally, I found her blog from her writings on France. I am always curious about the places people go to visit, what they did there and why they recommend it. Meg gives her readers just that, plus a few extras. My recommendation is to “travel” on over to her blog and see what she’s been up to recently.

In order to accept this award, I have to follow a few rules and here they are:

First, acknowledge and thank the giver by linking back to their blog and put the award on your page. Check.

Next, list 7 things about yourself. Check.

  1. Turtles are my most favorite animal in the world (I’ve mentioned this before). I had two box turtles as a teenager and they were named J.R. (I know what you all are thinking and yes, he was named after J.R. Ewing since I had such an addiction to Dallas) and Caruso (I don’t know why, he just looked like a Caruso to me). After my first child was born, they became poor, little, neglected turtles so I gave them to a friend of my aunt’s who had a bunch of turtles in her back yard. I believe that my little guys are still living there happily ever after.
  2. The first DVD that I ever purchased was “A League of Their Own”. I still love that movie and I’ve watched it a million times! It’s one of those great feel-good movies that never gets old.
  3. I don’t own any dresses or skirts. I hate wearing them. In my elementary school, girls had to wear a dress everyday and boys had to wear a tie. Thanks to that, my wardrobe of preference is jeans and a t-shirt. What else does a girl need?
  4. The moon is my favorite celestial being. There’s something very calming about gazing up at the night sky and seeing the moon, especially a harvest moon, now that’s something to behold.
  5. I had my tonsils taken out when I was 4 years old and I had hernia surgery when I was 7 years old.  I get the tonsil thing but a hernia at 7?? I think child labor services should have shown up at my house.
  6. The two subjects I always tried to get out of in school were math and science. I couldn’t stand either one of them and I took the least amount of classes in those subjects possible to still be able to graduate with all fulfilled requirements. Funny how those are the two things I deal with in my job all day long! Who’d a thunk it? Definitely not me!
  7. I took my first airplane ride when I was 23 years old. I went to Maui, Hawaii. I didn’t have the opportunity to travel when I was younger aside from a couple of trips to the lake with my family and one 3 week vacation trip I took with my aunt, uncle and cousins in their motor home when I was 16. The travel bug didn’t bite me until I was in my mid-30’s! I think I’m making up for all those lost travel years now 🙂 BTW- France was the very first destination I went to outside of the USA. Hmm, there’s gotta be fate in that somewhere.

Last, pass the award to some bloggers who inspire you. Check.

Fit for my Fork– Sam inspires me to eat it up healthy and to love doing it.

Beyond the Brush– Lynne inspires me to appreciate the arts.

A Historic Virginia Plantation– Michelle and Brett inspire me to continue on with my old French house remodel and to look forward to the day it’s done!

My Botanical Garden– Inspires me to get out in garden and get myself some green thumbs.

Lorna’s Tearoom Delight– Inspires me to relax and have a good cup of tea and to have the courage to write a book about what I love!

To all of you out there in blog land, go forth and be inspired 🙂

About backyardprovence

I was finally able to realized my dream of living in France when I moved here in 2010. I love to read,I love history and road trips. I want to be doing anything outside in the fresh air. I want to have an entire room devoted to a personal library.

Posted on June 12, 2012, in French Daily and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Congratulations on your award and thank you for passing it on to me. I’m with you on point 3: jeans and a t-shirt = sorted! I hope you will write the book; if I can do it, you can! I look forward to hearing more about it in the future.

  2. Congratulations! I think I did actually just use the phrase ‘inspiring’ about your previous post, so the award is aptly given.

    • Thanks Renee! If anything comes of my writings, inspiring would be something good. I really want to inspire people to get out and see the world. There is so much out there that it would be a shame not to venture into every nook and cranny possible 🙂

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